Sunday, 17 April 2016

Week 7 presentation notes

To give some context, in my arts practice I explore the relationship between religion, contemporary society and the human condition. 
What is the project brief ?
The project asks you to address issues surrounding the conceptual and technical
mechanisms of investigation as a genesis for art making. Your studio work will explore
methodologies of contemporary art and thought – working with process to engage your work
to evolve and change. You are asked to address questions of your work and research through the exploration of conceptual and technical methodologies that focus on notions of process and phenomena.

Conceptual focus 
For me my working process is to establish a concept and then research ways that I can discuss it. Then begin creating the work. Each “stage” of my process informs the other. So during the construction new research informs the outcome of the work. 
The overarching concept I am looking at for project 1 is the passage of life.With the intention to create a interactive land art installation, that is a contemplative space, and that brings into question the self,  mortality and legacy. It will be the process of recording the artwork that will be submitted.

Initial research
The nature of land art: I feel that it is important that when you engage with a particular metholdolgy, technique or material that you have an understanding of the historical weight that it brings with it and its nature.
I am consious of the intrusive impact and destructive action that land art often has and intend to use this as an artistic device as opposed to the Ephemeral. (we dont go throughout life without impacting those around us and our environment)
So ive looked primarily at artists such as Richard Longs and Pawel Althamer as opposed to the Ephemeral focus of land artist such as andy goldsworthy
artist looked at :
Richard long – looked at his process of creating line, the leyline and british walks
Cai Guo-Qiang (head on, falling back to earth) impact on an environment.
Mark wallinger - the string line
Pawel Althamer – walk from the city
(liz woods national parks QLD ???) slurry on the ground
Erikson eight stages of psychosocial develpment, post-Freadian theory

Proposed Execution
There are two aspects of this work that I need to consider : 
The physicality artwork AND the recording of the artwork. 

The physical artwork will be located in Kingscliff NSW. (Show map location IMAGE 5 ) 
At present I am considering two elements within the work. One being a walking track, that begins as a straight line and gradually increases in curviture until lit becomes a miandering path that winds, twists and turns(life after all is not a straight path) .

Due to its location, it will be an interactive artwork, allowing the visitor to engage with the space.
The space is very close to the pacific highway, there is a lot of highway noise in close to the road but when you are near the creek side it is quiet. So I have to consider the sound of the space as an integral element of the work as well.
Some technicalities
The owners of the space and local council environmental and planning division have been contacted in regards to the intention for the space, and approval for the creation of an artwork has been given by both parties.
This was achieved by inital written application and followed by verbal phone contact to negotiate terms. In particular the council wanted to know the level of environmental impact on the space, such as removal of trees and potential clearing

Considerations for recording the installation
The record of the artwork will be the final work (for assessment).. such as Richard longs works.. the physical artwork will also be accessible. 
At present I am considering the following methods to display the final artwork. And may use a combination of the following: 

  • Photographs
  • 3D photographs /w the bubble camera (show photo IMAGE 6)
  • 2D video
  • Interactive 3D /w video Youtube 360 vids
  • Interactive media
 I intend on creating an Interactive digital presentation which uses audio, panoramic images and interactive navigation through the space. (Show examples)

brief discussion on process stages
  • development of concept 
  • initial walk/ marking of the walking track (IMAGE 7,8 )
  • creation of the walk ( IMAGE 9)
  • recording of the artwork
  • creation of interactive digital presentation

Changes that have occured during the process of creation.Conceptual change and physical change
In the week 4 talk I mentioned that I was intending on exploring preconceptions, plans, expectations and I was going to do this through a second element, which would have been a straight line (possibly a string line ) that was suspended overhead.It is the interplay between these two lines that will create a dialogue.

After working in the space for the past few weeks and the creation of the track, I intend on using line itself, through width and direction Through the process of making I have found that line shifts your focus. straight or gently curving paths allow for contemplation and the mind wanders, where as tight twisting paths seem to make you consious of your presence within the space and of yourself.

Another major change is Instead of creating a loop track the track will now dead ends. Leaving the participant in a very intimate space (apporx 3m square) surrounded by dense bush.
I am considering the Possiblity of installing a single seat in this final space. 

Prayer walk, my british heritage. I often use walks as a meditative process, a way of connecting with the divine.

Other considerations
At present I am considering two elements of this artwork, One Striaght line which intercets the walking track, likely overhead. The other is a walking track which moves throughout the landscape. After all life is not a straight line, there is often detours. 
Width of the track ( single width track – life is done alone)

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